Yiwu Baby Killer case solved : the murderer is the father of two

“Have you ever heard the cries of children,” tracking 
the murderer is the father of two, 
why he would be so cruel, even 8-year-old little boy killer 

Yiwu Daily News News (reporter Zhu Xiang) If the 8-year-old Richie (a pseudonym) has a soul in heaven, should be able to rest. Yesterday, the Yiwu Municipal Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade came the good news, public concern “3.19” Yiwu Chen, primary school students were killed successfully solved the case — the suspect Miao Guoquan in the Lanxi was arrested, his order to return the 16000 Yuan gambling debts kidnapping murder.

  Miao country the right is Yiwu police issued reward notice that the 30-year-old, the forehead slightly bald man. According to to Baowen Lin, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, the key to solve the case, is a long hair waist of the woman, “She was holding a child, and suspect the relationship is very intimate.

  This detail, the police found in the period of surveillance video on March 28. Two days later, police found a foothold of the “long-haired female — Chen Jin Shan Road, a private house.

  The police lock the identity of the suspects accordingly. At 2 o’clock on March 31st in the Lanxi Qijubeizhan near a fish shed the suspects Miao country the right to be captured.

  Miao national rights, 37 years old, the Lanxi incense town road village Miao villages people. He has a 9-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son. The Miao Guoquan had Dachen workers for many years. The last Grand March 8.

  According to the Miao country the right to say, he came only to escape the loan sharks.In recent years, he was hooked on gambling at home, 16,000 yuan owed a gambling debt.Creditors urging a tight grip, he took his wife and children to Dachen “revive.”

  The day before the incident, the Miao country right wandering alone in the rear, the area to see a lot of pupils in digging wild onions, suddenly sprouted the idea of ​​blackmail his family of a kidnapped child.

  At 5 pm on March 19, Miao national rights in the rear foot of a mountain, encountered Richie go to school alone, will hold him to the top of the mountain. Next, the Miao Guoquan pressed Richie give the family information, the results of the other messages from a migrant family he was very disappointed.

  ”His parents are working, you can not get any money.” Miao Guoquan give up the idea of ​​kidnapping, but worry about the things brought to light, he finally Richie next killer.

Yiwu Market becomes more and more globalized

Yiwu Market becomes more and more internationalization after these years development. There are many changes of characteristics. First of all, the export commodities become globalize. The extension of features has been continuously strengthened in Yiwu Market. Distribution has been extended to Panama, Cologne, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Chile and other places outside the docking with the Yiwu small commodities market in Cambodia, “China City”, Russia’s “Haining House,” Brazil “Chinese city” Italy’s “Chinatown”, the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates “Chinese Products Trading Center,” South Africa “China Gate” etc.

Next, the main exports keep on enlarge. There are nearly 2000 enterprises in just outside the trade representative’s office, over 8,000 permanent foreign Yiwu Commodity Procurement in 2009. The form of foreign trade has to be innovative and rich. Thirdly, export of commodities becomes increasingly diversification. Lastly, the export of the country transfers from developing to developed countries.

Yiwu : Unscrupulous foreign traders get way with unpaid dues, credit system questioned

The economic crisis and regional instability will affect the Yiwu small commodity exports. In fact, from Yiwu ‘foreign strategic shift has already begun.

In December 2011, Yiwu India disputes between traders and Commodity City business operators, causing a small storm.

The event from a Yemen unscrupulous traders to cheat Yiwu merchants tens of millions of goods after on foot, two Indians of their employees, Yiwu merchants dispute process is to recover arrears and two Indian businessmen have already left Yiwu, Yiwu merchants damage to tens of millions of dollars of goods, including the loss of 307 million.

The data show that of Yiwu Municipal Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Team: 2011, Economic Investigation Team received a report reflect the escape and hide or owed money the company has 80, including 53 foreign, involving 21 countries, including India, the largest of nine accounting for 17%.

Credit mode needs to be improved

‘In a county-level city, Yiwu foreign-related cases is certainly the most GONG Weidong, Yiwu Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Team, told << Zhejiang >> reporter, Yiwu small commodities to the world, and foreigners doing business at the same time, is the coexistence of opportunities and risks, to Yiwu to bring a series of challenges on the issue of handling foreign-related disputes, to prevent trade fraud(http://www.agile-news.com/).

‘Yiwu every year tens of millions of dollars of goods have been cheated by unscrupulous traders, mainly because of the trade in Yiwu, mostly on credit, pay a small deposit delivery after payment.’ China Commodity City Group General Manager Wu Bo into said such transactions have to play an active role in the Yiwu market, the development process, but there are also some drawbacks, not lead to a small number of unscrupulous foreign after receiving payment on foot.

Wu also believes that nothing out of the case caused by economic disputes, and finally suffered a loss of foreign cheated by unscrupulous goods merchants. For the escape of a small number of unscrupulous foreign-volume goods, China Commodity City has with the local Economic Investigation Brigade cooperation, the establishment of early warning platform, purchase business credit investigation, timely, published online to remind Yiwu dealer Note.

Trading environment for foreign businessmen in Yiwu, the ‘foreigner why to Yiwu to? Yiwu has something to attract them.’ Wu Bo Cheng said that Yiwu is the world’s largest commodity distribution center, commodity resources, profit margins, favorable business environment advantage of the policy environment for optimization and security environment, to attract customers around the world.

, Yiwu has become one of the largest commodity export base in China, the goods have been exported to 215 countries and regions, there are 3008 foreign enterprises from 89 countries set up a representative office in Yiwu, the world’s 20 leading shipping companies( News http://www.agile-news.com/). there are 18 to establish an office in Yiwu.

In 2011, China Commodity City turnover of 51.512 billion yuan, an increase of 12.95% exceeded 50 billion yuan mark for the first time.

‘Stay in Yiwu

Chamber of Commerce president of the China Commodity City (Yiwu) daily floor Zhongping Jian letter, business behavior is ‘talk.’, As long as there was money to foreign investors will still continue to come to Yiwu Indian Embassy warning on January 3 all Indian businessmen do not do business in Yiwu, but the event seems to be limited impact on trade between India and the Yiwu businessmen.

65-year-old La Meixi, hi into Co., Ltd. Yiwu head of the Representative from 1964, he went to Indonesia, Thailand and Hong Kong, China, Taiwan’s business.

In 2002, La Meixi by a multi-year cooperation with customers invited to come to Yiwu Yiwu, he decided to take root in Yiwu, mainly to do stationery, gifts, shoes, artificial flowers business in the Indian businessmen in Yiwu, he big business, he said, Yiwu market is very rich commodity, the price is very edge, we can say is inexpensive. ‘elsewhere.’

Lamei Xi said he had heard the Indian businessman suspected of defrauding the goods things, but he is convinced that this is only the Indian traders doing business in Yiwu individual phenomenon, Most Indian businessmen to business integrity.

Lamei Xi said, it also reminds the Yiwu market, the majority of business operators to pay attention to risk prevention, for example, to appropriate a certain amount of deposit to avoid the credit when doing business with foreign investors. As for the business environment of Yiwu, La Meixi own personal experience to prove Yiwu’s business environment is very good, not, as some rumors.

‘I am in Yiwu ten years, has never occurred with the Chinese business operators economic disputes, Yiwu Municipal Government and Yiwu people are very concerned about foreign enthusiasm, always put themselves in for the sake of our very safe to do business in Yiwu, which is what I stay in Yiwu, the most important reason for selecting the final. In addition, Yiwu, good social order. In the future, I will remain to do business in Yiwu. ‘said La Meixi.

Orders transfer of foreign trade

According to Customs officials, in 2011, Yiwu Customs export Commodity $ 9.87 billion, an increase of 15.1 percent over the same period last year, commodity export cargo of 8.402 million tons, down 6.8%, annual export value increased significantly, but total exports has decreased, showing the price of an incremental reduction trend.

Experts said that in 2012, Yiwu export situation is still not optimistic. First, the increasingly complex international situation, the Middle East and political turbulence persists, the U.S. economic recovery is slow, the debt crisis in Europe still have not found an effective solution. Raw material prices, labor prices rise phenomenon of, and appreciation of the renminbi will continue to exist, the cost of doing business is still severe pressure.

In Yiwu, almost all businesses are aware that in 2012 the world economic environment, there are many uncertainties, the economic crisis and regional instability will affect the Yiwu Commodity exports. In fact, from Yiwu ‘foreign strategic shift has already begun.

The Middle East has been occupied Yiwu small commodities export share of more than 1/3 the weight. Since the Libyan war broke out last year, the situation in the Middle East continued instability, which directly affect the normal export of Yiwu .2011 years of Yiwu Yiwu customs export in the Middle East $ 3.49 billion, an increase of 7.3%, but export cargo fell significantly, total exports of 325.1 million tons, down 11.3 percent.

Among them, the most affected is undoubtedly just experienced war in the Libyan market .2011 year, the sharp drop in Yiwu Commodity exports to Libya, with exports of $ 43.25 million, 39,000 tons of export cargo, plunged by 63.7 percent and 67.7 percent year on year.

The same time, Yiwu foreign trade market, the gradual emergence of a new growth point Yiwu Commodity exports to Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa, four BRIC countries last year, an increase of 52.1 percent, 37 percentage points higher than the overall export growth in the developed economies last year downturn, the sharp decline in demand, the BRIC countries show strong economic growth momentum, Yiwu Commodity exports to the rest of Shikoku showing a good trend.

It is understood that last year, Yiwu Yiwu customs export BRIC countries totaled $ 1.03 billion, the export cargo of 907,000 tons, an increase of 52.1% and 28.1% respectively. Forecast data in accordance with the well-known American investment firm Goldman Sachs, the BRIC countries in 2012 more than 7 percent annual economic growth rate, much higher than the 1% -2% of the developed economies.

U.S. and European debt crisis and the political situation in the Middle East instability, as well as a new pattern of commodity exports, the shift in the customs people suggested to adjust the Yiwu small commodities export strategy, the BRIC countries as an important fulcrum of the commodity export, accelerate emerging markets layout, actively build a diversified export market structure, to reduce excessive dependence on the markets of developed countries and the traditional commodity exports, in the Middle East region.

The Yiwu pilot industrial and commercial force-

The Yiwu pilot industrial and commercial forceMunicipal Government Information Office held a press conference, City of Industry and Commerce Bureau and the Yiwu actual introduction of the Yiwu Industrial and Commercial Bureau propelled the pilot reform of economic development, a number of opinions “from the main players in the market access, broaden financing channels, optimize the development environment cultivate foreign main deepen brand building five major aspects of the 18 measures for the development and expansion of the private economy “drop threshold”, “reducing the burden,” “excellent service” and “Quality”.Private enterprises, the barrier-free access. Future after it has been approved, the enterprise can use in the name of headquarters, regional headquarters, R & D headquarters, and so forth; support both types of investors to invest in new energy, new materials, new medicine to the six emerging industries and high-tech industries, to encourage enterprises to increase new product development efforts and research combined with the development, support for universities, research institutes and enterprises to set up industrial technology innovation entities; to encourage the companies listed.Investment and financing channels wider than ever. Equity contribution, pledge registration, particularly in support of the corporate and natural person shareholders with holdings of company equity to handle registration of pledge, expanding the financing channels of corporate credit; improve the investment proportion of non-monetary assets, will be equity, forest rights, patent, trademark other non-monetary contribution in the total registered capital of enterprises in the ceiling from 30% to 70%.Lower start-up costs of market players. Clear “exempt from the small micro-enterprises, administrative fees, cancel the registration of small and medium micro enterprises change registration fee, annual fee, fill F The business license fee and other expenses; exempt from the registration of individual businesses and farmers professional cooperatives change registration fee, city business license fee and other expenses.Brand to lead to greater intensity. National Intellectual Property Strategy Demonstration City program has been started, the guidance of Yiwu China Commodity City “and striving for well-known trademarks to protect the brand value of Yiwu China Commodity City”. Will start this year, the citys four well-known trademarks reporting procedures, and guide seamlessly weaving the underwear industry, the creation of provincial trademark brand base, and actively guide Yiwu brown sugar “regional characteristics of the agricultural and sideline products registered geographical indications, collective marks, certification marks.


Yiwu opened the first network of consumer complaints platform


  A few days ago the Hong Kong Daily News (Reporter floor look forward to the correspondent Wang Xujian), Chongqing people Chow login Yiwu Jiangdong e-commerce Association consumer rights complaints from the service station, said he ordered a number of commodities in Yiwu an e-commerce company in the online result, goods sent , the price is high. The business sector to intervene immediately to help Chow to recover the fair. Mr. Zhou said excitedly: “I thought to be rushed to Yiwu to deal with this dispute, I did not expect long as the mouse is gently point, to safeguard their own interests. The Yiwu network consumer complaints platform, really!”

  In recent years, with the rapid increase of the rapid development of Yiwu E-commerce and online shopping, consumer groups, network consumer disputes arising from the frequent occurrence. Last year, the Consumer Protection Committee and the business sector in Yiwu City, according to the needs of the situation, positive and Yiwu Jiangdong Electronic Commerce Association to set up a the Yiwu e-commerce industry’s first consumer rights service station — Koto e-commerce Association of Consumer Rights service station.Consumer rights service station is set up, due to the uncertainty and complaint channels of the network consumer regions, information is not smooth, many online consumers are still to make a complaint through 12315 or other channels, consulting neither convenient consumer complaints, consulting, is not conducive to the service station to work.

  In late February of this year, Deputy Secretary of Yiwu Song ring to lead the staff of the Consumer Protection Committee of Yiwu Jiangdong industrial and commercial reach Koto Electronic Commerce Association, consumer rights service station visits to research proposed in Koto e-commerce Association of Consumer Rights on the basis of the service station, the establishment of the online consumer complaint platform to facilitate the network of consumer complaints, consultation, improve work efficiency.

  In mid-March, through the joint efforts of all parties, Yiwu consumer rights service stations online complaints, consultation platforms came into being. This means that when consumers encounter online consumer disputes in the future, there will be a more efficient defenders channels. Today, consumers simply log Yiwu Jiangdong e-commerce Association website (http://www.yweca.org/) network consumer rights service station platform, you can write inquiries and complaints e-mail. Staff will carry out mediation and reply as soon as possible, to play a good platform for a timely, accurate, convenient and efficient solution, to resolve consumer issues and consumer disputes an active role in the various types of networks. According to statistics, the platform opened half a month, the admissibility of various types of telephone and come complaints, consulting more than 40 onwards to help residents and merchants to recover economic losses of more than 10 million.

  It is understood that in the handling of disputes which, there are a number of unresolved cases. For example, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, Mr. Guo complaints, said he purchased the site by two yuan, Yiwu, a local mixed batch number of commodities, goods received does not meet our requirements. Receipt of complaints, although the industrial and commercial multi-Find contact information of complaints due to Mr. Guo is not clear enough, you can not find the Respondent failed to resolve.

  In this regard, the Consumer Protection Committee of Yiwu City reminds consumers during online inquiries and complaints must be completed, the real personal information, so that staff can get in touch with the complainant in a timely manner.